Benecare supporting Mustard Tree


Christmas is a time of the year that the majority of us look forward to; it is an opportunity to bring together family and friends. It’s time to come back home and shower each other with gifts.

Christmas can be also an incredibly difficult and testing time. A growing percentage of the population are trapped in poverty or homelessness… and we’d like to help.

This December, we are going to give 10% of all our online orders to charity, and we’ve selected Manchester charity Mustard Tree again, who do some incredible work for the community.

Please visit to find out more about the fabulous work that Mustard Tree do and remember that every time you make a purchase from Benecare Direct, 10% will go to help them combat poverty and prevent homelessness.

In this video you can see how Mustard Tree has changed some people’s life!


Thank you, and Merry Christmas!


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